Monday, July 23, 2007

Cabinet Topper

Pattern: Self-Drafted

This little cabinet topper was a quick and easy project! The top of this cabinet is getting ugly. It's sticky and marked up, so I decided to whip up this little topper to cover it.

I used cotton fabric in my stash leftover from a bag. I measured the top of the cabinet and added a 2-inch drop & 1/2-inch seam allowances. I cut out 1.5-inch squares from each corner--I thought it would help the topper lay a bit flatter on the cabinet. I sewed the green fabric, wrong sides together, and left an opening for turning. I clipped corners as needed and turned the whole thing right side out. I pressed the topper, then top-stitched about a 1/2-inch from the edge using a very long stitch. The top was very plain, so I cut a rectangle from another coordinating fabric and stitched it onto the top (yes, through both layers). I did a close zig-zag stitch 1) to hide/protect the raw edges of the patterned fabric and 2) to practice using the zig-zag stitch on my machine.

The photo on the right shows you a longer view of the cabinet and the topper. Sorry the color is kinda weird in the photos. The shower curtain is also that sagey-green, but nicely textured and sorta sheer.

This topper is seriously nothing fancy and I didn't do the greatest job on it, but it's sorta cute and it's gonna do its job by covering the top of the cabinet. So, I'm happy with it! It cost nothing since I already had the fabric. It's washable and if it shrinks, I don't really care and could always make another! I think making a quilted topper would be rather fun and cute, but for right now, this will do!

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