Monday, July 23, 2007

Proud Mommy!

It's Proud Mommy time! I gotta brag!

Set-Up: My kids are taking swim lessons this week (DS's were last week, too) and they are enjoying them. Mommy isn't enjoying driving an hour round-trip for them, but they are a necessity (IMHO), so I'll deal.

Brag: DS jumped off the diving board twice last Friday! I was, and still am, so proud of him that I could bust! I really didn't think he'd do it because that's a pretty big thing to do and he's normally not much of a daredevil.

Secret: I was SO proud that I actually had to go to the bathroom to wipe my teary eyes! Shhh!! Don't tell anyone that I'm a sap!

Other Unrelated Stuff:

1. DH bought DS a used bike at a garage sale on Sat. DS has been having a ball riding it (with training wheels right now). He's had some spills, but no blood was drawn, so it's going well. I think DD needs a tricycle with all-terrain tires so she can ride it on the gravel.

2. DD has been a whiny 3-y.o. and it's wearing on our nerves! An internet friend gave me some words to say. She asks her DD "What do whiners get?" and her DD responds "Nothing!" (B/c it's true, ya know!) I've used it a couple of times and it's starting to sink in because DD replied "Nothing!" when I asked her that yesterday! Maybe it'll get her to stop some of her whining! Keeping my fingers crossed. ;oP

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