Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First Day of School 2007

DS is off to his first day of first grade! He's very excited about starting school again, especially since a good friend of his will now be in his class. We always take some pics on the first day of school, so here's a few:

DD will start preschool next Monday. She's really looking forward to it. I'll have about 2.5 hours to myself in the mornings three days a week. Nothing fantastic will occur, but I'm sure I'll get my breakfast eaten and hopefully my workout in before I have to go pick her up. (What can I say, I'm not a morning person!) We're gonna have a little period of adjustment for the next few weeks while everyone gets used to the new schedule.

Sewing: I decided what to do with part of the patchwork fabric! I saw a review of Indygo Junction's Metropolitan Bag and thought that my fabric would look nice on this bag. I need to get a few more supplies, so I'll blog about this when I get it done.

Completely Unrelated to Anything: Don't bother buying Progresso's Light Southwestern-Style Vegetable soup. It has great stats: 60 cals. per 1 cup serving (2 per can), no fat, 12g carbs, 4g fiber, and 3g protein. While the flavor is good, there's barely *anything* in there to chew! It's mostly broth, so if you like to sip broth and chase around the stray black bean, carrot, and tomato, then it's great--otherwise, get one of Progresso's broth-based regular soups for about 100-120 cals per serving. My fave is Minestrone. Mmmm! See, I told you this was completely unrelated to anything!



Anonymous said...

Ah, look how he's grown. So sweet. I can't wait to see pictures of when Gracen starts and the two of them together. :-)


Anonymous said...

My nephew is so adorable! I can't wait to see Miss Gracen. I bet she will love school.

If you get that bag pattern, I'll have to borrow it. Love it! So cute.
