Monday, September 3, 2007

What's With These Growing Kids?

Oh, how they grow! School has started and it won't be long before the weather starts to cool down. I love fall even though harvest takes my hubby away from me. At any rate, my weekend has me pondering what's with these growing kids?

Cooler weather means jeans and long sleeves. I know, you're thinking "It's stinkin' hot here! I can't even think about long sleeves!" That may be true (although we've been enjoying some nice weather lately!), but fall will be here before we know it. To that end, on Saturday I helped the kids try on all their winter clothes to determine what fit and what didn't.

Let's just say that the consignment store will be getting a load pretty soon!

I'm amazed at how much bigger DD is as compared to DS at the same age. I have a big girlie on my hands. She can't even wear DS's old jeans around the house/farm because his skinny butt needs slims! Oh well, at least the kids didn't complain too much during the clothes-trying-on procedure.

Since the kids were in need of clothes, we decided to go clothes shopping Sunday after church. I have to give my munchkins kudos for being super-patient throughout the whole thing! We ended up in JC Penney's for...FOREVER! DH and DS were in one fitting room while DD and I were in another trying on a TON of clothes. We'd send our respective "models" into the next fitting room to get that parent's approval of that particular outfit. It was like musical chairs. Sort of. Anyway, I regret that we left a mess in the fitting rooms, but in our defense 1) there was no clothes rack on which to place vetoed clothing, and 2) we needed to get the heck out there because we'd been in there so long! I did give the clerks a heads-up, though. Don't you think that was sufficient?

I've determined that finding clothes for kids is just like finding clothes for myself--no two pair of jeans ever fit the same regardless of brand. So, we got DD some 5T things, but we found that size 5 girl's regular Arizona jeans fit her the best. Yep, my not-quite-4-year-old wears a 5! Wow! Even Garrett got a variety of sizes of clothing. Guess that's why God made fitting rooms. I'm just amazed at how fast these kids are growing!

We had a successful shopping trip with the kids getting clothes, I got a shirt and some shoes, and DH bought himself Final Fantasy something-or-other for the Nintendo DS as his belated birthday/early anniversary gift. We were all pretty pooped by the time we got home at almost 8 p.m.

I haven't labored too much on this Labor Day. I did end up redoing the Gallery section of my Bumblebee Bags site. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. It was getting too cluttered having everything on one page. Plus, the changes will make for faster downloading for those of us still using dial-up. I rock! ;oP

I hope you've had a fabulous holiday weekend and that you have a great week!


The Borlase Bunch said...

I am the one who isn't a patient shopper anymore- I used to love shopping- now, not so much. Maybe it has to do with no money to shop with makes shopping not fun! Thank heavens for hand me downs!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun but exhausting shopping day. I'm impressed that your DH hung in there the whole time! BTW I love the pics of the kids on the first day of school. Especially the close-ups. I am a sucker for close-ups.